

Selected Conference Proceedings(2009-2018)

Tanaka, Y., Ito, Y., Shibata, M., Terasawa, Y., & Umeda, S. (2018)  Heartbeat-evoked potential reflects multiple dimensions of interoception in emotional situation. The 57th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research. (Quebec City, Canada, October)

Tsuji, K., Shibata, M., Terasawa, Y., & Umeda, S. (2018) Products with high frequency of choice elicit enhanced Nogo-N2 component in Go/Nogo task. The 57th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research. (Quebec City, Canada, October)

Ito, Y., Shibata, M., Tanaka, Y., Terasawa, Y., & Umeda, S. (2017) Temporal and affective orientation of thought in depression and anxiety: An ERP and HEP study. The 56th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research. (Vienna, Austria, October)

Tanaka, Y., Ito, Y., Shibata, M., Terasawa, Y., & Umeda, S. (2017) Feeling changes of internal bodily state during emotional recognition: An ERP and HEP study. The 56th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research. (Vienna, Austria, October)

Ito, Y., Shibata, M., Tanaka, Y., Terasawa, Y., & Umeda, S. (2016) Temporal characteristics of thought orientation: An ERP study. The 31st International Congress of Psychology. (Yokohama, July)

Shibata, M., Fukuzaki, S., Sato, A., & Umeda, S. (2016) Time course and localization of brain activity during numerical processing in grapheme-color synesthesia: An ERP/sLORETA study. The 31st International Congress of Psychology. (Yokohama, July)

Tsuji, K., Shibata, M., Sato, A., & Umeda, S. (2016) Retrieval of taste preference triggered by visual stimulus: An ERP/sLORETA study. The 31st International Congress of Psychology. (Yokohama, July)

Shibata, M., Fukuzaki, S., Sato, A. & Umeda, S. (2016) Brain activity during image processing in graphemecolor synesthesia: An ERP study. The 22nd International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain. (Geneva, Switzerland, June)

Shibata, M., Terasawa, Y., Osumi, T., Masui, K., Arisa, S., & Umeda, S. (2015) Time course and localization of brain activity in humor comprehension: An ERP/sLORETA study. Neuroscience 2015. (Chicago, USA, October)

Umeda, S., Ito, Y., Shibata, M., Tanaka, Y., & Terasawa, Y. (2015) Neural correlates of prospective and retrospective thinking: An event-related potential study. International Symposium on the Science of Mental Time. (Tokyo, September)

Tochizawa, S., Terasawa, Y., Shibata, M., & Umeda, S. (2014) Interoceptive sensitivity predicts performance of event-based prospective memory: Evidence from cardiovascular reactivity. The 17th World Congress of Psychophysiology. (Hiroshima, September)

Tsuji, K., Shibata, M., Sato, A., & Umeda, S. (2014) Evaluation of taste preference and the following memory retrieval: An ERP study. The 17th World Congress of Psychophysiology. (Hiroshima, September)

柴田みどり・寺澤悠理・梅田 聡 (2014) ユーモア理解に関与する脳内ネットワーク 日本心理学会第78回大会 (同志社大学, 9月)

Shibata, M., Terasawa, Y., & Umeda, S. (2014) Neural Substrates of Verbal Humor Processing: Evidence from fMRI and ERP Studies. The 20th International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain. (Hamburg, Germany, June)

Shibata, M., Terasawa, Y., Tochizawa, S., Yoshimura, Y., Otani, S. & Umeda, S. (2013) Cardiac parasympathetic control as a predictor of familiarity-based retrieval. The 53th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research; Psychophysiology, 50, S93. (Florence, Italy, October)

Shibata, M., Terasawa, Y., & Umeda, S. (2013) Neural correlates of humor comprehension and appreciation: A functional MRI study. The 20th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society. (San Francisco, USA, April)

Shibata, M., Terasawa, Y., & Umeda, S. (2013) The relationship between the cognitive and affective components involved in humor comprehension and appreciation. The 6th annual meeting of the Social & Affective Neuroscience Society. (San Francisco, USA, April)

柴田みどり・寺澤悠理・梅田 聡 (2013) ユーモア理解の脳内メカニズム 第2回社会神経科学研究会 (生理学研究所, 1月)

柴田みどり・寺澤悠理・梅田 聡 (2012) 情動的発話理解の脳内メカニズム 日本情動学会第2回大会 (慶應義塾大学, 12月)

Shibata, M., Terasawa, Y., & Umeda, S. (2012). Neural correlates of humor processing: fMRI study. International Journal of Psychophysiology vol. 85 (3 ), 405-406.

柴田みどり (2012). 比喩・アイロニー理解の神経基盤.日本心理学会第76回大会・ワークショップ「語用論の発達と神経基盤を探る(2)」(専修大学,9月)

Shibata, M., Terasawa, Y., & Umeda. S. (2012) Neural correlates of humor processing: fMRI study. The 4th symposium on Brain and Mind Research in the Asia-Pacific (APRU-BMAP). (August, Keio University)

Terasawa, Y., Shibata, M., Maehara, Y., Moriguchi, Y., & Umeda, S. (2012) Anterior insular cortex mediates bodily sensibility and social anxiety. The 6th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Affective Disorders. (April , London, UK)

Terasawa, Y., Shibata, M., Maehara, Y., Moriguchi, Y., & Umeda, S. (2012) The involvement of anterior insular cortex in social anxiety and interoceptive sensibility. The 19th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society. (March, Chicago, USA.)

Shibata, M., Terasawa, Y., & Umeda, S. (2011) Brain activity underlying emotional valence in negative and positive utterances: An fMRI study. The 34th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society; Neuroscience Research, 71S, e288. (Yokohama, September)

Shibata, M.,Toyomura, A., & Abe, J. (2011)Does Simile Comprehension Differ from Metaphor Comprehension? -A functional MRI Study- 33rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. (July 20-23, Boston, USA)

Shibata, M., Terasawa, Y., & Umeda, S. (2011) Why not say it directly? Neural basis of indirect speech comprehension. The 17th International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain. (June 26-29, Quebec city, Canada)

Shibata, M., Toyomura, A., Itoh, H., Shimada, K. & Abe, J. (2010)Neural processing of negative emotional information in irony comprehension: An fMRI study. The 16th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping. (June 6-10, Barcelona, Spain)

Shibata, M., Itoh, H., Shimada, K. & Abe, J. (2010)Neuroanatomical bases of indirect speech comprehension. The 33rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (Kobe, September)

Shibata, M.,Toyomura, A., Itoh, H., & Abe, J. (2009)Neural substrates of irony comprehension: A functional MRI study.The 16th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society (March 21-24, San Francisco, USA)

Shibata, M., Abe, J., Terao, A., & Miyamoto, T.(2009)Comprehension of Metaphor and Simile: A functional MRI study. The 15th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping. (June 18-23, San Francisco, USA)

Shibata, M.,Toyomura, A., Itoh, H., & Abe, J. (2009)Neural substrates of irony comprehension: A functional MRI study. The 32nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (Nagoya, September)